Eating is a treat not just a necessity!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

It's happening and I'm so proud.

Food Revolution. Food Movement. Occupy Food. Whatever you want to call it, it's happening and I couldn't be more thrilled. I'm also elated at the fact that more and more Americans are starting to open their eyes to this revolution.
In the wake of the Susan G. Komen -I'll call it, scandal- millions of Americans started sniffing around the Internet to find out something smells bad when it comes to the biggest breast cancer charity. This research also lead to more people asking the question, where is my money going? (It's your money by the way. Everytime you buy something with one of those pink ribbons on it, it's supposed to go to the 'cure for cancer') What a joke. I knew Susan G. Komen "for the cure" was a big scam a LONG time ago. Slowly, each one of my friends decided to do the 3-day walk and raise money for SGK. I wanted so badly to shout out-don't waste your time! But alas, a friend told me to keep my mouth shut. I did, although very hard for a Sagittarius, and I waited. A wonderful blessing happened. SGK decided to pull their funds out of Planned Parenthood and piss a shit-ton of people off. All of those people about to walk for 3 days, took a hypothetical step back and rethought their journey. Their hearts were always in the right place. They wanted to give something back to fight breast cancer but SGK was doing something fishy. When this happened, all the 'walkers' researched and found that not all of their hard earned 3-day- tired- feet money was going to the right place. (Emily Michele can say this much more eloquently than I ever could: I will not be Pinkwashed)

Do you know why I'm so happy about this? Because eyes opened, not just to this charity, but to what is REALLY going on. The business of cancer. We all fell for it. The pink ribbons. The heartfelt sad commercials.  The 'do it for the cure' slogan. It is all just a business-the cancer business.

And it's not just this I'm happy about. The naysayers are finally taking another look at whole foods vs. processed food and it's health benefits. I have heard of 3 stories just in the past month of people that were once hard core fast food addicts switch to shopping at the farmer's market and only buying organic produce. They slowly came to realize whole foods were what was going to save them from a life of disease and hospital bills.

Something is going on here. We are doing research. We are finding out why we are such a sick society. We are finding out who's been lying to us. We're finding out why we are being lied to. It's happening. And I'm so proud.

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