Eating is a treat not just a necessity!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Lesson learned

Some of my friends and even my family think I'm crazy for being so picky when it comes to what I eat. I get it. It makes them look a what they're eating and ask "what's wrong with my food". Look, I just know the difference in how my body reacts to certain food. For example, I've been on a pretty strict Paleo diet (animal protein, veggies and fruit) for about 3 months. Over the holiday, my mind played a trick on me. It said, you are so choosy all year long when it comes to food, why not just eat whatever is put in front of you. Such as sugar cookies or pumpkin pie. Mind you, I had been feeling really healthy lately. I hadn't gotten sick in about 6 months when I had pneumonia and felt like I was going to die. So I had some cookies and I felt fine. Then at the end of the night I had a piece of pumpkin pie and my throat and ears instantly got itchy. I just figured it's the gluten and I am more allergic than I thought. Then I got the sniffles and started feeling tired. I went to bed that night and was conscious of my throat the entire night. My throat felt as if I was swallowing knives. That is on the list of the top 10 worst body pains! I woke up the next day fullblown sickness. I was tired, I couldn't stop sniffling, my body ached. My sister said, this can't be from just eating gluten. I didn't think so either but it was. Gluten causes inflammation in the stomach lining and inflammation is one of the worse things a body can have. It's why my body ached and I felt exhausted. Then the coughing began and this 'cold' started to travel to my lungs. Fortunately I knew enough to start taking high doses of colloidal silver and Vitaman C before it became pneumonia-again.
I understand now, that cheating is not an option for me anymore. I can't just have ONE cookie filled with flour. You can call me crazy all you want but I'll find my cheating someplace else like dark chocolate or almond butter or wine!

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