Eating is a treat not just a necessity!

Friday, February 11, 2011

How do you feel?

This week was the Great Health Debate on 12 prestigious speakers come together and debate the pros and cons of each diet. One speaker was promoting additional salt in the diet along with a good fat like avocado everyday. Another suggested never eating animal foods or oils or salt or sugar in the diet. One suggested eating only raw foods and 'super' foods such as goji berries and cacao. One recommends fermenting all your foods. One suggested eating the way your ancestors did. High fat low carb/low fat high carb and on and on and on. Is your head spinning yet? Mine was.
There was just one underlying common denominator in all of these diets and it sort of hit me like an epiphany-How do you feel after eating? Our constitution and our conditions are each very different so to say one diet is better than another is just absurd. How does it make you feel? If you eat all vegetables everyday-are you happy? If you eat chicken at every meal, do you have aches or pains? Do you get colds often? How is your mood? Do you like life? How is your energy? What are your bowel movements like? Are they regular? Do you have acne? Is your hair brittle? How are your nails? Are you bloated? How does the food you eat make you feel?
Your life should contain optimal happiness. You should jump out of bed each morning, have a healthy beautiful bowel movement and have enough energy to get through the day. Not drudge through the day, but embrace it. Love it. Do the foods you eat make you feel that way? They should.
I'm writing this because I myself am discovering the foods I thought were perfect, may not be best for my body. I'm realizing when I eat cooked eggs in the morning, afterwards I'm still hungry and my stomach feels a bit queasy. But when I have a smoothie with a raw egg and veggies than I feel fine.
Not one diet is right for everyone. If you are a vegan all of your life but are constantly tired, wouldn't you want to find the right foods that give you energy? Same goes if you are a meat eater. Maybe it's time to cut something out or add something in. If it's not working for you, change it.
One thing is for certain regardless of what diet you chose to eat-EAT WHOLE ORGANIC FOODS. It's imperative to your vitality. Processed food is cancer. Remember that.

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