Eating is a treat not just a necessity!

Friday, November 26, 2010

I can't take it anymore!

Sugar and sick kids. I have to speak my mind. I just can't take it anymore. I don't understand how some people have kids and they don't care about what they eat. This to me is not caring about their health and it makes me sad. Everyone says a few candy bars and some soda won't kill Now- it won't kill them!! But what does it do to their blood sugar or their immune system or their teeth in the future! I hear parents all the time say 'little Joey has a cold, the stomach flu, vomiting"....why is little Joey sick? "Well little kids being around other little kids that have germs pass it along to other kids and it goes around and around"...and we accept that answer. NO~! That is not the truth. Did you know if your child's immune system was in good shape,it wouldn't matter if they were around snot nosed Billy? That if you stick with whole foods like veggies and good meats, and make them run around outside for their Vitamin D fix (the sun), their little antibodies would fight off germs and laugh at the other kids for staying home? So why compromise their health with sugary cereals, fruit juices, candy and soda? Do you like taking them to the doctor and the dentist all the time? I just don't get it!

There is one video every parent should watch-everyone should watch really. It will make you rethink every time you want anything with fructose in it.

Also, those of you that can take it, should read this article by my buddy Sean Croxton, speaking about mindless procreation. It's a bit harsh, but he speaks the truth.

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