Eating is a treat not just a necessity!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Who said you can't eat healthy in the office?

They were wrong! It took a while but I've finally come up with my favorite lunch item and I'm not sure what to call it.... rice and veggies? That sounds kind of boring. How about, "Brown Rice with fresh organic vegetables and herbs extravaganza!!" It so hard to eat in the office when you are surrounded by frozen meals and fast food take out. But if you have a fridge and a microwave and a little bit of patience you can make a healthy office meal. And before you say anything, I KNOW the microwave depletes your food from nutrients. I'm not crazy about it either but not too many offices have a stove top!
I came up with this concoction by shopping at the farmers market and trying different vegetables that are in season. You may not like these veggies and that's fine. Try something you like. The brown rice is made the night before and lasts for about a week (about two cups). I added some fresh spinach at the end of the cooking time just for fun.
I bring in bags of vegetables and the people at work understand that this drawer is mine! I bought, mushrooms, green beans, asparagus, cilantro and parsley. I cut up the veggies and herbs and throw them in a glass bowl with a tiny bit of water. Cover it with a paper towel and cook for one minute. Then I throw my rice mix in and cook it for another minute. I squeeze some lemon and (I know this is weird), Worcestershire sauce on it and voila! Extravaganza!
It's the same in the summer if you wanted a salad everyday. You bring in your food and after a couple of days of getting used to it, you can make your meal in about 7 minutes.

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