Eating is a treat not just a necessity!

Monday, August 16, 2010

THE List

Below is a list copied from the Price Pottinger Nutrition Foundation for making healthy choices in your day to day life. Keep this list on your fridge, in your car, in your purse, with your nanny, or on your mirror-wherever. If this list looks intimidating, pick one at a time and make it a habit. You can do it!!
1- Animal proteins (all free-range, grass fed, organic, etc.) poultry, beef, lamb, game, organ meats, eggs, wild fish and seafood
2- Raw (unprocessed) whole milk, butter and cultured yogurt, kefir, sour cream and cheese
3-Fats: butter, ghee, lard, goose/chicken grease
4-Oils: olive, coconut, palm, sunflower, sesame, nut oils
5-Fresh fruits , vegetables, and see vegetables (in season)
6- Whole grains: traditional wheat (kamut, spelt, emmer) rye, barley, oats, millet, quinoa, amaranth, teff, buckwheat
7-Legumes: beans, chickpeas, lentils, peas, peanuts
8-Seeds (raw): sunflower, pumpkin, flax, sesame
9- Nuts (raw): walnut, peanut, brazil, almond, hazelnut, pecan, cashew, coconut, macadamia, pine nut
10- Stocks made from bones from chicken, beef, lamb, fish
11-Sweeteners (used in small amounts): unrefined and natural (i.e. Stevia)
12-Unrefined sea salt, no additives
13- Herbal teas and fermented beverages (i.e. Kambucha)
14- Pure water: no chlorinated, fluoridated or water in plastic bottles
15-Cook and bake in: glass, ceramic, porcelain ware, seasoned cast iron, stainless steel. No aluminum, silicon or non stick cookware
16-Store food in glass. No plastic containers, bags or wraps
17- No products that contain fragrances around food (hand and dish soap, hand lotions air fresheners)

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