Eating is a treat not just a necessity!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Re-think Fat

Last night we had turkey burgers for dinner at our favorite joint-Burger Lounge. Afterwards I looked at my boyfriend and said, "I feel a little guilty for eating a burger for dinner". Then I remembered this type of thinking is what we have been brainwashed into-"Eat a low fat diet". The USDA just came out with new dietary guidelines and they have all of us "nutty naturalists" in an uproar. They want you to eat "lean meat" and "whole grains"....has this worked so far? Do we still have obesity? Yes. Do we still have diabetes? Yes. What is the common denominator? Our diet!! I am asking you read this dr's testimony to the USDA regarding their suggested dietary guidelines. He goes into detail regarding our bodies need for saturated fats. I know it's hard to imagine. You will have a knee-jerk reaction to grabbing the lean turkey in the supermarket but you aren't doing yourself a favor. Skip the white bread and pasta and eat the meat and veggies. Watch how much weight you lose and how great you feel.

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