Eating is a treat not just a necessity!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Pieces to the puzzle almost fit

I've been to the doctor lately for numerous ailments one of which being chronic pain in my hip joints, sacrum and  thighs. They would go numb by the end of the day. Yoga, walking, riding my bike all makes the pain worse.  All of these symptoms added up to what Western Medicine calls "Fibromyalgia". I don't even like to type this because I feel it's such an all encompassing made up disorder. But if I had to put a word to it, that's what it is. It's a combination of a parasite, virus, lactic acidosis, and toxin overload. How did this happen? How does this happen to a 30 something female who doesn't take recreational or pharmaceutical drugs, eats all organic, exercises and takes all of the recommended supplements? I found this article today from Health Reports while researching my issues that my doctor told me I had that may help explain. It's all fixable, mind you, it's just disheartening. Daily, I carry a bag of holistic medicines that include a shake, a chakra spray, immune booster, digestive enzymes, magnesium and coenzymes. It's alot but it takes patience in Holistic Medicine.
I first started eating healthy to get my body functioning properly. I tried becoming vegan. That didn't work. I tried just eating smoothies. That didn't work. I did the 'cut and paste' trial period. Didn't work. I took everything that everyone suggested. I'm still at the same space as I started. There is no magic pill. There is no magic time limit. If you want to mend years worth of damage, it may take years to fix. This is why conventional medicine is so backwards to me. You go in to the doctor and tell him you have muscle pain and he gives you a muscle relaxer. You go in and tell him you have digestive problems he gives you some sort of antacid. How is he fixing the root cause of the problem?
My naturopath is working on calming down the mycoplasma (whatever that means) so that he can conquer the autoimmune conditions so that all my cells can function as they normally should. It's a war! You can't end a war with one pill!

For a more positive note: This is season's grenade zucchini are delicious. They are so easy to chop up and throw in a stir fry. Of course I add my kale, lemon, chicken and tamari and that's my dinner. Yumm!

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