Eating is a treat not just a necessity!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

CSA Box to the rescue

I've heard alot about this CSA thing-Community Supported Agriculture-but it wasn't until today that I realized how cool it is. A friend of mine was going out of town and asked that I pick up her CSA box and eat or share the contents. I'm falling more and more in love with vegetables so I was excited to see what was in the box. In it was a bag of tomatoes, hot peppers, pea shoots, cabbage, bib lettuce, radishes, squash  and rosemary. At first I felt like a contestant on "Chopped" where they have to make a meal from the ingredients from the box. As I was washing and putting the produce away, I started to notice the bib lettuce is what they use for lettuce wraps. I had chicken and asparagus and I suppose you can just saute squash....lettuce wraps for dinner it is! I added lemon and tamari to the asparagus, squash, chicken and pea shoots with a dollop of butter (of course). Everything took about 10 minutes to make. I can't believe how wonderful this gift is.  Below are the results. I'm working on adding more flavor-maybe a sweet chilli sauce will be good. Either way, I'm proud of myself for being so inventive!

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