Eating is a treat not just a necessity!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Kale Kurry in a Hurry

I eat my food too fast. I look back at the frying pan and say "why didn't I take a picture of the beautiful creation"? Next time I promise to take a picture. So tonight's meal was creation is kale, curry and chicken. It's got to be the easiest, most tasteful and quickest meal you can eat. It takes:


Notice there are no measurements next to the ingredients. I really don't measure-it confuses me! The first thing you do is sautee some garlic and ginger in a frying pan with some coconut or olive oil on medium heat.  Cut up 1 big tomato and throw it in the pan. While that is getting mushy, cut up your mushrooms and kale. For the chicken I use is pre-cooked/pre packaged from Jimbos. Throw the chicken, kale and mushrooms in with the tomatoes. The curry I buy is organic, gluten free red curry called "Mike's Organic Curry Sauce". You put a lid on the frying pan for about ten minutes or so and that's it.

After a few tries you will start adding different things that you like. Maybe broccoli or peppers or green beans or if you are a rice eater-go for it! Enjoy!


Finally got a picture! I forgot to also mention that I add red pepper flakes to spice it up. We all need some spice in our lives right?!!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds great sis, I gotta try that kale, I found out my coworker is growing some in her garden, organic of course. She swears by it too!
