Eating is a treat not just a necessity!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Cut and Paste

Without going in to gory details, I've had a chronic physical "issue" for almost 2 years now. I've been to A-lot of doctors from Western Medicine to Eastern. The western doctor suggested I take a pill while the eastern doctor suggested I take a lot of herbal pills. I tried teas, clay, vitamins, homeopathic medicine- I even tried hypno-therapy! (Thanks to hypno-therapy my father issues are resolved but not my chronic physical issue!!)
Now I'm on to an elimination diet or what I call, "cutting and pasting". I cut some foods out and then paste them back in if there is no change. I recently cut eggs out of my diet for 7 days. No change-so I pasted them back in. Then I added raw milk in to my diet, but guess what? After all that hootin and hollering about how wonderful raw milk is, it's not for me. I broke out in terrible acne. I won't be pasting that back in until my 'issue' goes away.
That made me think, maybe I need to cut all dairy out as well as gluten and sugar. I'm on a very bland diet of warming foods right now. I'm eating steel cut oats in the morning with some blueberries, homemade chicken and quinoa soup with kale for lunch and for dinner I just stir fry up some kale and asparagus. I'm staying away from cold raw foods right now to see if anything changes. This is isn't permanent, by the way. I still believe wholeheartedly in animal fats, coconut oils, raw cheese and bacon! But if there is something going on with your body, acne for example, you can figure out what your body is reacting to by cutting and pasting food out of your diet. Give it at least 7 days. Read every ingredient or make your own food so you know what goes in it.
Gluten is the hardest to eliminate. I had a spring roll the other day and didn't read the ingredients. I thought-it's wrapped in rice noodle, what could be the harm? Later I read they used white flour.  It's in everything! Eating out is a nightmare! But it's the one ingredient I know is probably wreaking havoc.

By the way, this my new favorite sweet treat. It's date and coconut-that's it. But it tastes like you are eating a mini candy bar. I love that nature provides such a sweet treat that we don't need to feel guilty about!!

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